Petri-Jaan Lahtvee
Petri-Jaan Lahtvee is a professor in Food Tech and Bioengineering at Tallinn University of Technology, where his research is focussed on the valorization of organic waste (mainly food and wood waste) into value-added food and feed supplements, but also biomaterials and chemicals. Petri defended his PhD in 2012 at TalTech, did his postdoc at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden under the supervision of Prof. Jens Nielsen on systems biology of yeasts and was, afterwards, recruited to lead the H2020 funded ERA Chair in Synthetic biology at the University of Taru, Estonia. His research group has established the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle approach for the construction of microbial cell factories, and they apply various techniques, including bioinformatics, synthetic biology, bioprocess optimization and additive manufacturing of living materials.